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ART H 150 Study Abroad: Art History (1-5, max. 15) A&H
Art history courses taken through a UW approved study abroad program. Content varies and must be individually evaluated. Offered: AWSpS.

ART H 200 Art in the Modern Imagination: Athena to Lady Gaga (5) A&H
Informs ability to see art as a tool to examine history, ideology, beauty, and ultimately the image-saturated present. Also to distinguish between historical context and modern projection on artworks. Further, to discover how art transcends its context and still speaks in a language in which people can become literate.

ART H 201 Survey of Western Art-Ancient (5) A&H
Major achievements in painting, sculpture, architecture, and the decorative arts in Europe, the Near East, and North Africa, from prehistoric times to the beginnings of Christianity.

ART H 202 Survey of Western Art-Medieval and Renaissance (5) A&H
Emphasizes the arts of the Byzantine Empire and Western Christendom from Late Antiquity to the High Renaissance.

ART H 203 Survey of Western Art-Modern (5) A&H
Western art from 1520 to the present.

ART H 204 Art History and Visual Culture (5, max. 15) SSc/A&H
Study of art and visual culture as instruments of knowledge and methods of human expression that operate in many arenas of history, tradition, and the contemporary environment.

ART H 205 Arts of Africa (5) A&H
Thematic exploration of art and artists from Africa and its diaspora.

ART H 206 Survey of Native-North American Art (5) SSc/A&H
Survey of the indigenous arts of North America north of Mexico from ancient through contemporary times. Focuses on the historical and cultural contexts of the arts and the stylistic differences between tribal and individual artists' styles.

ART H 207 Art Now (5) A&H
Explores how contemporary art connects artists and viewers in forms of creative engagement with pressing social and political issues. Students discover how artists use diverse strategies to help us consider who we are, how our world is changing, and how we can best inhabit it together. Across a set of themes that address the state of contemporary global culture, students discuss how today's art speaks to both individual and collective life.

ART H 208 Introduction to the Art of Ancient Americas (5) A&H
An introduction to the Indigenous art and traditions of the ancient Americas.

ART H 209 Themes and Topics in Art History (5, max. 15) A&H
Introduces students to new ideas, developing themes, and current research in art history and visual culture.

ART H 210 Arts of Japan (5) A&H
Surveys the arts of Japan from the pre-historic era to the present. Themes include ongoing tension in Japanese art between native traditions and foreign influences, the role of ritual in Japan's visual arts, artistic responses to multiple visual pasts and rupture from these pasts, the changing loci of patronage, and the formats and materials of Japanese art.

ART H 211 Fashion Systems: Europe-Asia (5) SSc/A&H
Introduces the historical development of fashion systems in early modern and modern Europe and Asia. Explores topics including: Fashioning the Body; Gender and Fashion; Fashion as Conspicuous Consumption; Fashion as Urban Spectacle; the Politics of Fashion. Offered: jointly with JSIS A 211.

ART H 212 Chinese Art and Visual Culture (5) A&H/SSc
Surveys the highlights of Chinese visual arts from the Neolithic to the present. Studies jade, bronze, lacquer, silk, Buddhist sculpture, ceramics, calligraphy, painting, architecture, film, and installation art forms at a moment in Chinese history when work in those media was especially innovative and important.

ART H 214 Art of India: Mohenjo-Daro to the Mughals (5) A&H/SSc
Surveys the material culture and artistic production of South Asia, which includes the present-day nation states of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Sri Lanka, from antiquity until the early modern period.

ART H 220 Survey of American Art (5) SSc/A&H
Broad survey of key issues and achievements in the history of the visual arts, including painting, sculpture, architecture, photography and prints, among other media, made in the United States or by American artists living abroad from the colonial era to the present.

ART H 233 Arts and Cultures of the Northwest Coast: From Totems to Tennis Shoes (5) SSc/A&H
Surveys indigenous art of the Pacific Northwest Coast from the Columbia River in the south to Southeast Alaska in the north and from ancient through contemporary times. Focuses on the historical and cultural contexts of the art and the stylistic differences between tribal and individual artists' styles.

ART H 250 Rome (5) SSc/A&H
Focuses on Rome as an historical, intellectual, and artistic world center. Literary and historic documents, visual arts, architecture, film, and opera used to explore the changing paradigms of the Eternal City. In English. Offered: jointly with HSTEU 250/ITAL 250; W.

ART H 260 Fashion, Nation, and Culture (5) SSc/A&H
Introduction to Italian culture focusing on fashion and manners from the late Middle Ages to today. Explores common assumptions about nation, gender, clothes, make-up, and manners, through literary and visual analysis. In English. Offered: jointly with ITAL 260/JSIS A 260; W.

ART H 261 Italian Cities (5) A&H
Introduces Italian culture by focusing on the past and present of five of the nation's most important cities: Rome, Florence, Venice, Milan, and Naples. Taught in English. Offered: jointly with ITAL 261.

ART H 270 Art/Identity Politics: Issues of Representations in Contemporary Art (5) A&H, DIV
Explores how contemporary artists have deconstructed cultural misrepresentations of gender, sex, sexual orientation, race, and ethnicity, and have developed alternative representations that embrace diversity and difference. Offered: AWSpS.

ART H 272 French Impressionism and Post Impressionism (5) A&H/SSc
Examines the lives and works of the French Impressionists and Post Impressionists within the cultural, social, and economic context of their time. Overarching themes include the examination of subject matter, gender issues, contemporary influences in the art world, and modernity.

ART H 273 History and Theory of Photography (5) SSc/A&H
Survey of photography from its beginnings in the early 19th century to the digital imaging of today. Study photography as an artistic medium, a social text, a technological adventure, and a cultural practice. Key photographers, cultural movements and recurring themes will be explored with close attention to the social and cultural contexts in which photographs were produced, circulated and consumed.

ART H 290 History of Architecture (5) A&H/SSc
Introduction to the history of architecture across a broad range of cultural contexts.

ART H 300 Pablo Picasso and His Influence (5) A&H
Examines paintings and sculptures of Pablo Picasso, the inventor of Cubism and Collage who is widely seen as the most famous artist of the twentieth century.

ART H 306 Popular Art and Practice in Edo Japan (5) A&H
Examines the artists and art movements flourishing during the time of Tokugawa Ieyasu (1543-1616). Explores themes including the tension between orthodoxy and the new; the role of Chinese and Western visual culture in Japanese art production; art for the masses; fashion and textile production; and art of the pleasure quarters. Offered: AWSpS.

ART H 307 Art and Archaeology of Ancient China (5) SSc/A&H
Chinese art and archaeology from the third millennium to the third century BCE. Examines several themes in detail including: ethnographic analogy in archaeology; iconography without text; metal technology and its beginnings; the earliest known Chinese writing; the interaction between design and technique in bronze casting and jade working; comparative study of the first civilizations; archaeology of music.

ART H 308 Representational Art of Imperial China (5) A&H
Chronological survey of representational art produced during China's imperial period, from the third century BCE to the seventeenth century AD.

ART H 309 Topics in Art History (5, max. 25) A&H
Topics vary.

ART H 310 Chinese Art and Archaeology Neolithic to Han Dynasty (5) A&H/SSc
Introduces Chinese art and archaeology from the Neolithic to the Han Dynasty. Focuses on the history of developing technology and the archaeological basis for understanding the development of art and visual culture in early China.

ART H 311 Arts of Imperial China (5) SSc/A&H
Introduces the role of painting in the history of Imperial China from the fourth to the seventeenth century. Topics for reading and discussion include political forces, regional geography, social structure, gender, traditional philosophies, and religious and spiritual influences.

ART H 312 Art and Empire in India, 1750-1900 (5) A&H
Surveys the transformation in the visual arts between the Mughal and British empires in India. Topics of learning and discussion include changes and new developments in artistic production, patronage, viewing publics and protocols, technology, roles of art institutions, and exchanges between media.

ART H 314 Modern and Contemporary Art in India (5) A&H
Surveys the visual arts of India from the late colonial through the postcolonial period. Topics include impact of colonialism, anti-colonial nationalist claims for art, shifting status of oil paintings, emergence of a national style, new art movements in urban centers, and art in the service of forge postcolonial identities and alliances.

ART H 316 Buddhist Arts of Asia (5) A&H
Examines the birth and spread of Buddhism beginning with its earliest moments in South Asia. Following the Silk Road, traces Buddhism's development eastward through China, Korea, and finally to Japan to recognize the historical, social, political, and religious factors that inform the production of Buddhist art and belief. Offered: AWSpS.

ART H 318 Art of Mesoamerica (5) A&H
Considers the sophisticated artistic traditions of Mesoamerica, a cultural region that stretches from Central Mexico to Honduras and El Salvador. Encompasses works from approximately 1500 BCE to 1550 CE, and coalesces around specific themes, including storytelling, ritual action, and political power.

ART H 319 Global Performance Art (5) A&H
Introduces the rich history of global performance art of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Students gain an understanding of the radical transformation of the artwork, and of the powerful ways in which artists have addressed the human body's relationship to space, memory, technology, and politics.

ART H 320 Facing America: Race and Representation in the U.S. (5) SSc/A&H, DIV
Art's role in inventing ideas about racial difference in the U.S. from the 1600s to the present. Considers the role and display of visual art in inscribing and at times challenging racial hierarchies.

ART H 333 Indigenous Body Adornment (5) A&H/SSc, DIV
Selected examples of body adornment in indigenous cultures, focusing on Oceania ad North America, including tattooing, jewelry, clothing, and hairstyles. Topics include adornment's capacity to express individual, clan, or national identity in ceremonial and quotidian contexts and ethics of such expressions and their use or misuse by the dominant society. Recommended: Art H 233 or previous experience in any 100 or 200 level art history class

ART H 340 Pre-Classical Art and Archaeology (3) A&H
Survey of the art and the other material remains of the civilizations in the Aegean from the Neolithic Age to the end of the Bronze Age, with special emphasis on Minoan Crete and the Mycenaean kingdoms of mainland Greece, illustrated by slides. The history, techniques, and results of significant excavations are examined. Offered: jointly with CL AR 340.

ART H 341 Greek Art and Archaeology (3) A&H
Survey of the material remains and the developing styles in sculpture, vase painting, architecture, and the minor arts from the geometric to the Hellenistic periods, illustrated by slides. Principal sites and monuments, as well as techniques and methods of excavation, are examined in an attempt to reconstruct the material culture of antiquity. Offered: jointly with CL AR 341.

ART H 342 Roman Art and Archaeology (3/5) A&H
Roman architecture and art, with emphasis on the innovations of the Romans; illustrated by slides. Offered: jointly with CL AR 342.

ART H 343 Hellenistic Art and Archaeology (3) A&H
Survey of the art of Greece and the eastern Mediterranean from the time of Alexander the Great to the Roman conquest. Principal sites with their sculpture, painting, mosaics, and minor arts examined in lectures illustrated with slides. Offered: jointly with CL AR 343.

ART H 347 Pompeii: A Time Capsule of Ancient Life (5) A&H/SSc, DIV
Explores the power differential between men and women, slaves and masters, and citizens and foreigners in the cultural melting pot of ancient Pompeii, which was preserved by a volcanic eruption in 79 CE. Graffiti, skeletal remains, everyday objects, humble and world-class art and monuments will be analyzed. Offered: jointly with CL AR 347; AWSp.

ART H 354 Medieval Art (5) A&H
Survey of art, architecture, and material culture of Western Christendom circa 700-1500.

ART H 361 Italian Renaissance Art (5) A&H
Sculpture, painting, and architecture from 1300 to 1600.

ART H 366 Northern Renaissance Art (5) A&H
An overview of Netherlandish, French, and German art in the context of cultural developments circa 1400-1570.

ART H 373 Southern Baroque Art (5) A&H
Art of Italy and Spain, circa 1590 to circa 1710.

ART H 374 Northern Baroque Art (5) A&H
The art of northern Europe, circa 1590 to circa 1710.

ART H 380 Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Art (5) A&H
Arts and architecture of Europe and America from Romanticism to the present.

ART H 381 Art Since World War II (5) A&H/SSc
Art of Europe and the United States in the decades since World War II: painting, sculpture, and architecture, multiplication of new forms (video, performance pieces, land and installation pieces), changing context of patronage, publicity, and marketing.

ART H 384 American Art (5) SSc/A&H
Achievements and issues in painting, architecture, sculpture, and other arts in the United States from the colonial era to the present.

ART H 390 American Architecture through an Ecological Lens (5) SSc/A&H
Introduction to the history of American architecture and urbanism as seen from an ecological perspective, from the time of indigenous inhabitants to the present.

ART H 391 Paris Architecture (5) A&H/SSc
The architecture of Paris from its pre-Roman origins to the present.

ART H 400 ART History and Criticism (2-5, max. 15) A&H
Courses on special topics, frequently by visiting faculty, which cannot be offered on a continuing basis. Consult art history office for subjects offered.

ART H 405 Piet Mondrian and the International Avant-Garde (5) A&H
Examines the widespread and ongoing influence of Piet Mondrian, one of the pioneers of abstraction in painting, who also impacted architecture and design and scores of avant-garde artists.

ART H 412 Art History and the Study of Chinese Bronzes (5) A&H/SSc
An investigation of Chinese Bronzes to illuminate some general ideas about the discipline and practice of art history. Focuses on a case study examining the work of a twentieth-century practitioner of art history and comparing it with that of a famous scholar from a neighboring discipline.

ART H 413 Selected Topics in Chinese Art (5, max. 15) A&H
Specific theme or area of Chinese art, such as the art of Bronze Age China or Chinese painting under Communist rule.

ART H 414 Topics in South Asian Art (5, max. 15) A&H/SSc
Explores topics on the art and visual culture of South Asia with a particular focus on India.

ART H 416 Topics in Japanese Art (5, max. 15) SSc/A&H
Revolving topics explore the cultural, political, and religious factors that influenced the production and reception of Japanese art. Offered: AWSpS.

ART H 419 Japanese Architecture (3) A&H
Survey of Japanese architecture from its origins to modern times. Although Shinto architecture, tea houses, gardens, and modern developments are discussed, the primary focus is on the development of Japanese Buddhist architecture. Offered: jointly with ARCH 453.

ART H 420 Art and Seattle (5, max. 15) A&H
Revolving topics. Looks closely at a rotating selection of artists, movements, and collections that have shaped and been shaped by the city of Seattle.

ART H 422 Topics in American Art (5, max. 15) A&H/SSc
Revolving topics explore material important to developing a knowledge of the creative and social history of American art.

ART H 435 Thematic Studies in Native-American Art (5, max. 15) SSc/A&H
Approach to Native-American art through themes and issues. Focus varies from year to year (e.g. Shamanism in Native-American art, gender identity in Native-American art, social and political aspects of Native-American art, issues in contemporary Native-American art).

ART H 442 Greek Painting (3) A&H
Study of painted decoration on Greek vases, with emphasis on stylistic developments and cultural and historical influences. Painting on other media also examined as evidence allows. Offered: jointly with CL AR 442.

ART H 443 Roman Painting (3) A&H
Study of surviving painting from the Roman world, with emphasis on wall paintings from Pompeii and Herculaneum. Principal topics for discussion: the four styles of Pompeian painting the dependence of Roman painters on Greek prototypes, and the significance of various kinds of painting as domestic decoration. Offered: jointly with CL AR 443.

ART H 444 Greek and Roman Sculpture (3) A&H
History and development of Greek sculpture and sculptors, their Roman copyists, and Roman portraits and sarcophagi. Emphasis on Greek sculpture of the fifth century BC. Offered: jointly with CL AR 444.

ART H 446 Greek Architecture (3) A&H
Detailed study of Greek architecture from its beginnings, with special emphasis on the Periclean building program in fifth-century Athens. Offered: jointly with CL AR 446.

ART H 447 The Archaeology of Early Italy (3) A&H
Study of the principal archaeological sites of early Italy, including Etruria, Sicily, southern Italy, and archaic Rome up to the Republican period. Attention given to the material remains and their relationship to the Etruscan, ancient Sicilian, and early Roman civilizations. Offered: jointly with CL AR 447.

ART H 448 The Archaeology of Italy (3) A&H
Study of the principal archaeological sites in Italy with special emphasis on ancient Rome. Sites include the Alban hills, Ostia, Pompeii, Herculaneum, Tarquinia, Paestum, Tivoli, and Praeneste. Attention given to the relationship between material remains and their purpose in ancient life. Illustrated by slides. Offered: jointly with CL AR 448.

ART H 452 Art, Religion, and Politics in the Early Christian Period, 300-700 AD (3) A&H/SSc
Evolution of the art of the early Christian period (300-700 AD) in the context of contemporary religious, political, and cultural developments. Offered: jointly with RELIG 452.

ART H 453 Art, Religion, and Politics in Byzantium, 700-1453 AD (3) A&H/SSc
Evolution of the art of Byzantium (700-1453 AD) in the context of contemporary religious, political, and cultural developments. Offered: jointly with JSIS D 453.

ART H 454 Topics in Byzantine and Medieval Art (5, max. 15) A&H
Topics in Byzantine and Medieval Art.

ART H 461 Gender and Sexuality in Classical Art and Archeology (3/5) SSc/A&H, DIV
Examines gender and sexuality in the visual and archaeological records of Greece and Rome, with a focus on topics such as the body, clothing, the gaze, homoeroticism, sexual labor, gendered spaces, and transgressive genders and sexualities. Recommended: previous coursework in Greek and/or Roman art at the 200- or 300-level is encouraged. Offered: jointly with CL AR 461; AWSp.

ART H 471 Rome in the Seventeenth Century (5) A&H
Painting, sculpture, and architecture; concentration on Caravaggio, Bernini, Poussin, and Borromini.

ART H 473 Topics in Baroque Art (5, max. 15) A&H
Approaches to the study of Baroque art through particular themes, genres, contexts, new research, and emerging issues. Focus varies from year to year.

ART H 480 Art Museums: History, Theory, Practice (5) A&H
Explores the history of art museums in America and Europe from the nineteenth century to the present. Topics include connoisseurship and conservation, theories of design and display, architectural challenges, auction houses, dealers, curators, directors, impact of education departments, museums' changing relationship to public audiences, visual arts, and the law.

ART H 483 Post-Impressionism to 1918 (5) A&H
Post-Impressionism and the great revolution of early twentieth-century art, with emphasis on painting. From the first revisions of Impressionism around 1880 to Fauvism, Cubism, Futurism, the Blaue Reiter, and Dadaism.

ART H 484 Topics in Modern Art (5, max. 15) A&H
Approach to art of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries through particular themes, genres, contexts, or other issues. Focus varies from year to year.

ART H 486 Abstract Expressionism: History and Myth (5) A&H
Thematic and chronological survey of abstract expressionism, including major genres of critical interpretation, revisionist scholarship, and the relationship of artistic production to a larger context of visual production.

ART H 488 American Architecture (3)
American architecture from indigenous Native American traditions to the present. Offered: jointly with ARCH 455.

ART H 491 Twentieth-Century Architecture (3) A&H
Architecture in the twentieth century, mainly in Europe and the United States. Traces roots of Modernism in Europe in the 1920s, its demise (largely in the United States) in the 1960s, and recent trends such as Post-Modernism and Deconstructivism. Offered: jointly with ARCH 457.

ART H 492 Alternative Art Forms Since 1960 (5) A&H
Survey of "post-studio" art forms developed in the 1960s by artists who did not equate artmaking with painting, sculpture, or other traditional forms. Topics include: happenings, Fluxus, land projects, artists' video, artists, books, performance, site works, and art made for distribution on CD-ROM and on the web.

ART H 493 Architecture Since 1945 (3) A&H
Theories and forms in architecture from the end of World War II to present. Includes new wave Japanese architects, recent Native American developments, and non-Western as well as Western trends. Offered: jointly with ARCH 459.

ART H 494 Paris: Architecture and Urbanism (3/5) A&H/SSc
Spans the architectural history of Paris, from its Gallic, pre-Roman origins in the second century BCE through the work of twenty-first century architects. Focuses on changing patterns of the physical fabric of the city and its buildings, as seen within the context of the broader political, social, economic, and cultural history. Offered: jointly with ARCH 458/JSIS A 433.

ART H 495 Italian Fascism: Architecture and Power (5) A&H/SSc
Fascism in Italy as studied within the broader European context of nationalism, imperialism, and modernization, with particular emphasis on the arts - literature, film, architecture, and urbanism. Offered: jointly with ITAL 475.

ART H 498 Individual Projects, Undergraduate Practicum (2-5, max. 10)
Fieldwork or internships in art-related areas in the community. Practical experience in areas such as arts administration, gallery and museum operations, collection cataloguing, curatorial responsibilities, and art education. Credit/no-credit only.

ART H 499 Individual Projects (2-5, max. 10)

ART H 500 Methods of Art History (5)
Introduction to the specialized bibliography of art historical research and to the wide variety of approaches to art historical problems of all periods and regions.

ART H 501 Seminar in the General Field of Art (5, max. 15)

ART H 504 Methods of Art History: Faculty Research (2)
Discussion and analysis of methodological issues posed in faculty research. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: W.

ART H 509 Seminar in Special Topics in Art History (5, max. 15)
Specific focus changes from quarter to quarter.

ART H 511 Seminar in Chinese Art (5, max. 15)
Critical appraisal of the principal research methods, theories, and types of literature dealing with the art of China.

ART H 514 Seminar in South Asian Art (5, max. 30) A&H/SSc
Critical appraisal of the principle research methods, theories, and types of literature dealing with the art of South Asia.

ART H 516 Topics in Japanese Art (5, max. 15)
Revolving topics explore the cultural, political, and religious factors that influenced the production and reception of Japanese art. Offered: AWSpS.

ART H 520 Seminar in American Art (5, max. 20)
In-depth study of selected topics and problems in American Art

ART H 521 Topics in Asian Art (5, max. 20)
Investigates a series of topics in Asian art.

ART H 522 Topics in Ancient, Classical, and Medieval Art (5, max. 20)
Investigates a series of variable topics in ancient, classical, and medieval art.

ART H 523 Topics in Italian and Northern Renaissance Art (5, max. 20)
Investigates a series of variable topics in Italian and Northern Renaissance art.

ART H 524 Topics in Baroque and Eighteenth Century Western Art (5, max. 20)
Investigates a series of variable topics in baroque and eighteenth century Western art.

ART H 525 Topics in Modern and Contemporary Art and Architecture (5, max. 20)
Investigates a series of variable topics in modern and contemporary art and architecture.

ART H 533 Seminar in North American Native Art (5, max. 15)
Problems in North American Indian visual arts. Content varies.

ART H 541 Seminar in Greek and Roman Art (5, max. 20)
In-depth study of selected topics and problems of the art of ancient Greece and Rome. Offered: jointly with CL AR 541.

ART H 551 Seminar in Early Christian, Byzantine, and/or Medieval Art and Architecture (5, max. 15)
Problems in early Christian, Byzantine, and medieval art and architecture. Content varies. Prerequisite: permission of instructor.

ART H 561 Seminar in Italian Renaissance Art (5, max. 15)
Problems and in-depth study of selected topics of the art of the Italian Renaissance.

ART H 577 Seminar in Baroque Art (5, max. 15)
Iconographic and stylistic problems of the art of the Baroque period, with emphasis on the principal research methods, theories, and types of literature dealing with the art of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries in Europe.

ART H 581 Seminar in Modern Art (5, max. 15)
Art historical problems of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

ART H 590 Seminar in Criticism of Contemporary Art (5, max. 15)
Contemporary art and appropriate critical methodology.

ART H 591 Seminar in Twentieth-Century Architecture (3/5)
Specific focus changes from quarter to quarter. Prerequisite: graduate standing with background in art history, architecture, architectural history, or permission of instructor. Offered: jointly with ARCH 558.

ART H 597 Graduate Internship (2-5, max. 5)
Internship in the field of art history with a museum, gallery, or other faculty-approved art or architectural institution that can offer the student substantial research or curatorial experience. Credit/no-credit only.

ART H 598 Master's Practicum (*, max. 15)
Credit/no-credit only.

ART H 599 Reading and Writing Projects (2)
Art historical issues, methods, and materials. Required of all graduate majors registered in 400-level art history courses. Open also to graduate nonmajors.

ART H 600 Independent Study or Research (*-)

ART H 700 Master's Thesis (*-)
Credit/no-credit only.

ART H 800 Doctoral Dissertation (*-)
Credit/no-credit only.