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INSC 500 Faculty Seminar (2)
Presentations by faculty concerning research projects in which they are involved. Credit/no-credit only.

INSC 501 Theoretical Foundations for Information Science (3)
In-depth exploration of the philosophical, theoretical, methodological, and historical foundation of information science and the study of information.

INSC 508 Reading Seminar (2)
Discusses theoretical works and contemporary research in areas related to information science, information management, or information technology and design. Introduces students to the intellectual traditions that underlie the field. Credit/no-credit only.

INSC 512 Community Analysis (4)
Explores key concepts of offline and online community (broadly-defined: geographic, thematic, familial, etc.), methodological approaches for analyzing different aspects of community with emphasis on information needs, information sharing, and other information behavior concepts. Includes facilitating information behavior of all groups within a community and identifying how their needs interconnect. Offered: jointly with LIS 512.

INSC 518 Seminar in Human Information Interaction (4)
Investigates conceptual frameworks, assumptions, analytical tools, concepts, models, and theories in human information interaction (HII). Topics may include theories of information behavior, information behavior in everyday life, social informatics, HII in organizations, or personal information management. Previous readings in HII preferred. Prerequisite: permission of instructor.

INSC 538 Seminar in Information Organization (4)
Seminar on information organization, focusing on any area of information organization, including classification theory, metadata, document theory, information organization in information systems; social and political aspects of classification, controlled vocabularies, and cataloging history.

INSC 541 HCI Design Foundations for Interactive Systems (4)
Develops knowledge and skills for design-based inquiry of interactive systems. Students practice user-centered design methods and study theories of human-computer interaction, including but not limited to: goal-based design and task analysis, scenario-based design, soft systems methodology, value sensitive design, universal design, and participatory design.

INSC 542 HCI Design Studio for Interactive Systems (4)
Develops knowledge and skills for design-based inquiry of interactive systems. Includes a quarter-long project using appropriate methods and iteratively engages research, design, prototyping, and evaluation activities. Opportunity to reflect upon practice and receive critical review of work throughout the quarter.

INSC 543 Value Sensitive Design (4)
Develops knowledge and skills to account for human values in design, development, and deployment of information systems. In-depth examination of value sensitive design theory, methods, and practice, including stakeholder project. Prerequisite: permission of instructor.

INSC 546 Assistive Technology and Inclusive Design (4)
Examines interactive technologies for users with alternative skills or in alternative contexts. Covers universal design, inclusive design, and assistive technologies. Addresses needs of users with physical limitations, children/elders, users in developing nations, and mobile users.

INSC 547 Collaborative and Social Computing (4)
Seminar on the design of collaborative and social computing systems. Introduces theories for analyzing collaborative on-line and face-to-face. Student apply a theoretical perspective through the design of a social or collaborative application. Application domains include blogging, tagging, on-line communities, social recommending, ubiquitous computing, and collaboration in domestic settings.

INSC 555 Information and Values (4, max. 12)
Explores value systems within a range of different social and technological environments.

INSC 557 Cultural and Ethnic Dimensions in Information Science (4)
Examines ethnic and cultural dimensions of information storage and transfer, knowledge creation and exchange, and information-related values in an increasingly global world. Readings from anthropology, cultural learning, cross-cultural communications, and ethnic traditions provide the basis for discussions about conducting research across culturally distinct communities. Prerequisite: permission of instructor.

INSC 561 PhD Colloquium on Professional Issue (1, max. 12)
Covers topics relating to the professional concerns of doctoral students and their future lives as academics and researchers. Credit/no-credit only.

INSC 565 Teaching Practicum I (3)
Doctoral student participation in teaching in a faculty-taught course. Credit/no-credit only.

INSC 566 Teaching Practicum II (3)
Doctoral student takes primary teaching responsibility for a course under supervision of a faculty liaison. Prerequisite: INSC 565. Credit/no-credit only.

INSC 570 Research Design (4)
Introduction to empirical research, basics of theory construction and research design, types of research, ethical issues, instruments and techniques for descriptive research, measures of association. Employs an integrated (qualitative and quantitative) and focused approach.

INSC 571 Quantitative Methods in Information Science (5)
Describes uses, characteristics, and theoretical bases of research methods and data analysis techniques used in quantitative research, emphasizing uses in information and library science. Topics include experimental design, descriptive and inferential statistics, the normal distribution, elementary probability, nonparametric statistics, and exploratory data analysis techniques. Prerequisite: INSC 570.

INSC 572 Qualitative Methods in Information Science (5)
Principles and approaches to conducting qualitative research in information science, including how to design a qualitative study, role of context, methods of data collection and analysis, increasing the trustworthiness of data, minimizing observer effect, how to incorporate and build theory. Exposure to field research and data analysis. Prerequisite: INSC 570.

INSC 573 Design Inquiry and Methods in Information Science (5)
Acquire theory, methods, and skills for design-based inquiry, focusing on making artifacts - technical, informational, managerial, or organizational - and devising courses of action that enable people to mobilize. Students develop knowledge for design in Information Science through practical application of design methods and scholarly investigation of selected literatures.

INSC 575 Research Practicum I (3)
Students work with a researcher from the Information School as an active member of a research team. Credit/no-credit only.

INSC 576 Research Practicum II (3)
Students work with an approved researcher as an active member of a research team. Prerequisite: INSC 575 or permission of instructor. Credit/no-credit only.

INSC 578 Research Seminar (1/2, max. 15)
Research presentations on a wide variety of topics in information science. Credit/no-credit only.

INSC 579 Research Colloquium in Information Science (2, max. 30)
Research colloquium on various research topics in information science. Faculty, visitors, and students present current research. Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Credit/no-credit only.

INSC 581 Organizational Theories of Information Systems (4)
Surveys major strands of management of information systems research. Covers the behavioral, economic, strategic, and technical research perspectives of MIS research.

INSC 590 Internship in Information Science (1-10, max. 12)
Internship in the private or public sector. Jointly supervised by faculty member and an on-site work sponsor. Prerequisite: enrollment in Information Science Ph.D. program. Credit/no-credit only.

INSC 598 Special Topics in Information Science (1-5, max. 12)

INSC 599 Independent Study in Information Science (1-10, max. 30)
Readings, design projects, or research under faculty supervision. Prerequisite: permission of instructor and Ph.D. program chair. Credit/no-credit only.

INSC 600 Independent Study or Research (*)
Individual readings or study, including independent study in preparation for doctoral examinations, research, etc. Prerequisite: permission of Supervisory Committee or graduate program adviser. Credit/no-credit only.

INSC 800 Doctoral Dissertation (*-)
Credit/no-credit only.