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Detailed course offerings (Time Schedule) are available for

INTSCI 197 Special Topics in Integrated Sciences (1-5, max. 15) NSc
Selected topics in integrated sciences.

INTSCI 200 Controversies in Science and Society (3) NSc/SSc
Exploration of controversies in science and society that benefit from an integrated sciences perspective. Topics vary from quarter to quarter, but may include cases from science communication, science education, science policy, and science research. Course overlaps with: BIOL 494.

INTSCI 301 Integrated Sciences Careers Seminar (1, max. 3)
Introduces students to scientists and science educators who are actively engaged in careers that require an integrative science perspective. Classroom guests vary from quarter to quarter, but may include individuals working in formal and informal science education, science organizations, science writing, and science policy.

INTSCI 401 Integrated Sciences Practicum (2-4, max. 6) SSc
Exploration of professions in formal or informal science education, science writing, science policy, and other areas that require an integrated science perspective. Examples include weekly visits to a science classroom, organization, or museum. Analysis of practicum experiences through discussion of scientific communication, human learning, and classroom engagement and equity.

INTSCI 402 Nature of Science (5) NSc
Case study examination of scientific methods and elements of scientific practice including observation, data, statistics, interpretations, hypothesis, theory, and law. Asks how does science change; how does data support theories; and how are theories verified, falsified, or modified?

INTSCI 403 Science in Context (5) NSc/SSc
Case study examination of how science operates within broad social, political, and ethical contexts. Considers the growth of multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary research, societal impacts, ethical responsibilities, censorship, complex mechanisms of funding, and the power inherent in claims to knowledge.

INTSCI 491 Introduction to Research (2) NSc
Preparation for intensive "hands-on" science experience. Discussion of what constitutes scientific research; development of a research proposition; meeting with potential research supervisors; signed agreement with supervisor and capstone instructor on scope and details of research

INTSCI 492 Reflections on Research (2, max. 6) NSc
Reflections on an on-going science research experience through discussion, short papers, and oral presentations, with emphasis on the challenges and dilemmas that arise in data collection and analysis. Offered: AWSp.

INTSCI 493 Communicating Research (3) NSc
Preparation of oral and written presentations of research, under guidance of the capstone instructor. Presentation on research in class and in another venue, such as a scientific meeting or an on-campus symposium. Prerequisite: minimum of four credits of INTSCI 492. Offered: AWSp.

INTSCI 498 Independent Study (1-5, max. 10)
Faculty-supervised independent study on a topic related to integrated sciences.