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LATV 101 First Year Latvian 1 (5) A&H
Fundamentals of oral and written Latvian, including introductory study of literature, film, and other authentic texts. First in a sequence of three. Offered: A.

LATV 102 First Year Latvian 2 (5) A&H
Fundamentals of oral and written Latvian, including introductory study of literature, film, and other authentic texts. Second in a sequence of three. Prerequisite: LATV 101. Offered: W.

LATV 103 First Year Latvian 3 (5) A&H
Fundamentals of oral and written Latvian, including introductory study of literature, film, and other authentic texts. Third in a sequence of three. Prerequisite: LATV 102. Offered: Sp.

LATV 111 Basic Latvian (3) A&H
Fundamentals of oral and written Latvian, including introductory study of literature, film, and other authentic texts. First in a sequence of three. Offered: A.

LATV 112 Basic Latvian (3) A&H
Fundamentals of oral and written Latvian, including introductory study of literature, film, and other authentic texts. Second in a sequence of three. Prerequisite: LATV 111. Offered: W.

LATV 113 Basic Latvian (3) A&H
Fundamentals of oral and written Latvian, including introductory study of literature, film, and other authentic texts. Third in a sequence of three. Prerequisite: LATV 112. Offered: Sp.

LATV 150 Intensive Latvian (15)
Fundamentals of oral and written Latvian. Intensive practice in speaking, reading, and writing Latvian. Interactive classroom, computer-assisted learning, language, and reading laboratories. Emphasis on contemporary Latvian culture and society. If Latvian is the student's language of admission, only 10 credits count towards graduation.

LATV 201 Second-Year Latvian (5) A&H
Intensive practice in speaking, reading, and writing. Functional review of grammar. First in a sequence of three. Prerequisite: either LATV 103 or LATV 150.

LATV 202 Second-Year Latvian (5) A&H
Intensive practice in speaking, reading, and writing. Functional review of grammar. Second in a sequence of three. Prerequisite: LATV 201.

LATV 203 Second-Year Latvian (5) A&H
Intensive practice in speaking, reading, and writing. Functional review of grammar. Third in a sequence of three. Prerequisite: LATV 202.

LATV 211 Intermediate Written Latvian (3) A&H
Intensive work with texts of various genres, including in-depth reading, structural analysis, and writing. First in a sequence of three. Prerequisite: LATV 103 or LATV 113. Offered: A.

LATV 212 Intermediate Written Latvian (3) A&H
Intensive work with texts of various genres, including in-depth reading, structural analysis, and writing. Second in a sequence of three. Prerequisite: LATV 211. Offered: W.

LATV 213 Intermediate Written Latvian (3) A&H
Intensive work with texts of various genres and complexity, including in-depth reading, structural analysis, and writing. Third in a sequence of three. Prerequisite: LATV 212. Offered: Sp.

LATV 250 Intensive Intermediate Latvian (15) A&H
Accelerated second-year Latvian. Systematic review of Latvian grammar. Intensive practice in conversation, reading, and writing. Prerequisite: either LATV 103 or LATV 150. Offered: S.

LATV 310 Topics in Latvian Literature (5, max. 15) A&H
Topics in Latvian literature, life, and civilization.

LATV 490 Supervised Reading (1-5, max. 10) A&H
Readings in a selected area of Latvian language, culture, or society.