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Detailed course offerings (Time Schedule) are available for

PPM 500 Proseminar in Public Policy and Management (1, max. 9)
Engages students with faculty to discuss research in public policy and management. Provides an effective means to become familiar with research agendas and opportunities in this field, and other aspects of socialization into the academic process, including teaching, grant writing, and publishing. Credit/no-credit only.

PPM 502 Research Design (4)
Provides a rigorous foundation for interdisciplinary research design. Introduces iconic types of theory (predictive, interpretive, and explanatory) and the philosophical foundations underlying these. Reviews a range of methodological approaches to research: experimental and quasi-experimental, ethnographic, comparative case-study, statistical, meta-analytic, simulations, and triangulation.

PPM 504 Perspectives on Institutions (4)
Prepares doctoral students for careers in research and teaching public policy, management, and leadership by introducing foundational scholarship on the major institutional forces that influence the policy process. Examines key critiques as well as integration and application of the perspectives to public policy and management challenges.

PPM 506 Advanced Microeconomics for Policy Analysis (4)
Introduction to advanced economic theory. Covers core models in consumer theory, producer theory, and public economics. Topics include: consumer choice, the theory of the firm, choice under uncertainty, neoclassical and behavioral models of inter-temporal choice, basic game theory, externalities, public goods, and an introduction to welfare economics. Recommended: multivariate calculus; intermediate microeconomic theory.

PPM 508 Public Policy Processes (4)
Political science frameworks, approaches, and theories concerning development and implementation of public policies within American and other democratic political systems. Governmental behaviors and processes, including rational, political, and bureaucratic models of governmental decision making; agenda-building processes; and the role of institutions in constraining and enabling policy change.

PPM 510 Public Policy Analysis (4)
Reviews public policy analysis and evaluation building on prior study of microeconomics, policy processes, research design, and statistics. Covers theoretical and interdisciplinary frameworks and applications of empirical methods to policy problems and solutions, and considers regularities in incidence, and effects of the use of alternative policy tools.

PPM 512 Data Analysis Practicum (4)
Develops the methodological capacity to undertake independent research. Includes reading, critiquing, and replicating portions of selected empirical papers from a range of scholarly areas. Provides opportunities to deal with issues of research design, data limitations, measurement, model specification, and interpretation.

PPM 514 Organizations, Management, and Theory (4)
Explores key theories of organizations and management employing perspectives from sociology, political science, economics, and public management. Theories are applied in the context of private, nonprofit, and public sector organizations. The course builds on the required course PPM 504 Institutional Perspectives. Recommended: PPM 504

PPM 599 Topics in Public Policy and Management (1-6, max. 16)
Examines various research topics of importance in public policy and management.

PPM 600 Independent Study or Research (*)
Evans School PhD students only. By arrangement with instructor. See current Time Schedule for link to application. Refer to Evans School PhD Student Handbook for details.

PPM 603 Teaching Mentorship (2, max. 50)
Evans School PhD students only. By arrangement with instructor. See current Time Schedule for link to application. Refer to Evans School PhD Student Handbook for details. Credit/no-credit only.

PPM 800 Doctoral Dissertation (*)
Evans School PhD students only. See current Time Schedule for link to application. By arrangement with doctoral dissertation supervisor. Refer to Evans School PhD Student Handbook for details.