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RUSS 101 First-Year Russian (5)
Introduction to Russian. Emphasis on oral communication with limited vocabulary. Short readings and writing exercises. Basic grammar. Conducted mostly in Russian. First in a sequence of three. Maximum 15 credits allowed between RUSS 101; RUSS 102; RUSS 103; and RUSS 150. Offered: A.

RUSS 102 First-Year Russian (5)
Introduction to Russian. Emphasis on oral communication with limited vocabulary. Short readings and writing exercises. Basic grammar. Conducted mostly in Russian. Second in a sequence of three. Maximum 15 credits allowed between RUSS 101; RUSS 102; RUSS 103; and RUSS 150. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in RUSS 101. Offered: W.

RUSS 103 First-Year Russian (5)
Introduction to Russian. Emphasis on oral communication with limited vocabulary. Short readings and writing exercises. Basic grammar. Conducted mostly in Russian. Third in a sequence of three. Maximum 15 credits allowed between RUSS 101; RUSS 102; RUSS 103; and RUSS 150. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in RUSS 102. Offered: Sp.

RUSS 110 Introduction to Russian Culture and Civilization (5) A&H/SSc
Introduction to Russian culture and history from pre-Christian times to the present, as seen through literary texts, music, film, visual art, and historical works. All lectures and written materials in English. No prior knowledge of Russian necessary. Offered: A.

RUSS 111 First-Year Medical Russian (1)
Intended as a 1-credit add-on to the regular first-year Russian sequence. Exposes students to a variety of medical terminology, providing opportunities for practicing medical communication, and reading and analyzing written texts. Prerequisite: RUSS 101, which must be taken concurrently. Offered: A.

RUSS 112 First-Year Medical Russian (1)
Intended as a 1-credit add-on to the regular first-year Russian sequence. Exposes students to a variety of medical terminology, providing opportunities for practicing medical communication, and reading and analyzing written texts. Prerequisite: RUSS 111; RUSS 102, which must be taken concurrently. Offered: W.

RUSS 113 First-Year Medical Russian (1)
Intended as a 1-credit add-on to the regular first-year Russian sequence. Exposes students to a variety of medical terminology, providing opportunities for practicing medical communication, and reading and analyzing written texts. Prerequisite: RUSS 112; RUSS 103, which must be taken concurrently.

RUSS 120 Topics in Russian Literary and Cultural History (5, max. 15) A&H
Introduces important trends and movements in Russian literary and cultural history. Offered in English.

RUSS 150 Intensive First-Year Russian (15)
Covers material of RUSS 101, RUSS 102, RUSS 103 in one quarter. Meets three to four hours daily. For continuation, see RUSS 250 or RUSS 201, RUSS 202, RUSS 203. Maximum 15 credits allowed between RUSS 101; RUSS 102; RUSS 103; and RUSS 150. Offered: S.

RUSS 201 Second-Year Russian (5) A&H
Comprehensive review of Russian grammar with continuing oral practice and elementary composition. Conducted mostly in Russian. First in a sequence of three. Maximum 15 credits allowed between RUSS 201; RUSS 202; RUSS 203; and RUSS 250. Prerequisite: either 2.0 in RUSS 103 or 2.0 in RUSS 150. Offered: A.

RUSS 202 Second-Year Russian (5) A&H
Comprehensive review of Russian grammar with continuing oral practice and elementary composition. Conducted mostly in Russian. Second in a sequence of three. Maximum 15 credits allowed between RUSS 201; RUSS 202; RUSS 203; and RUSS 250. Prerequisite: RUSS 201. Offered: W.

RUSS 203 Second-Year Russian (5) A&H
Comprehensive review of Russian grammar with continuing oral practice and elementary composition. Conducted mostly in Russian. Third in a sequence of three. Maximum 15 credits allowed between RUSS 201; RUSS 202; RUSS 203; and RUSS 250. Prerequisite: RUSS 202. Offered: Sp.

RUSS 210 From Paganism to Christianity: Medieval Russian Mythology, Literature, and Culture (5) A&H/SSc
Covers Pagan mythology and folk tales; Christian hagiography and morality tales; the beginnings of secular literature; and fashions, music, paintings, and architecture. Up to 1600. Offered: W.

RUSS 220 Topics in Russian Literary and Cultural History (5, max. 15) A&H
Explores important trends and issues in Russian literary and cultural history. Taught in English.

RUSS 223 Russian Cinema (5) A&H
Covers Russian cinema from its beginnings to the present day. Directors include Yevgenii Bauer, Sergei Eisenstein, Vsevoldo Pudovkin, Dziga Vertov, Mikhail Kalatozov, Andrei Tarkovsky, Aleksei Balabanov, and Aleksandr Sokurov. Also "Russians in Hollywood." Covers the relevant sociopolitical context. Also features documentaries and animation. Offered: AWSp.

RUSS 230 Masterpieces of Russian Literature (5, max. 15) A&H
Examines the greatest authors and masterpieces of Russian literature, including Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, and Chekhov. All readings, discussions, and assignments in English.

RUSS 240 Vladimir Nabokov (5) A&H
Examines the works of Vladimir Nabokov, from his early novels written in Europe to his later masterpieces, including Lolita, Pnin, Pale Fire, and Ada. Offered: Sp.

RUSS 250 Intensive Second-Year Russian (15) A&H
Covers material of RUSS 201, RUSS 202, RUSS 203 in one quarter. Meets three to four hours daily. Maximum 15 credits allowed between RUSS 201; RUSS 202; RUSS 203; and RUSS 250. Prerequisite: either 2.0 in RUSS 103 or 2.0 in RUSS 150. Offered: S.

RUSS 260 Underworlds (5) A&H
Examines real and metaphoric underworlds in literature and films about the afterlife, the heroic journey, guilt, grief, violence, and redemption. Students learn how the mythic underworld functions not only in art, but in their own lives.

RUSS 301 Third-Year Russian (5) A&H
Extensive practice in spoken and written Russian based on a variety of prose readings. Intensive review and supplementation of strategic grammatical concepts. First in a sequence of three. Maximum 15 credits allowed between RUSS 301; RUSS 302; RUSS 303; and RUSS 350. Prerequisite: either 2.0 in RUSS 203 or 2.0 in RUSS 250. Offered: A.

RUSS 302 Third-Year Russian (5) A&H
Extensive practice in spoken and written Russian based on a variety of prose readings. Intensive review and supplementation of strategic grammatical concepts. Second in a sequence of three. Maximum 15 credits allowed between RUSS 301; RUSS 302; RUSS 303; and RUSS 350. Prerequisite: RUSS 301. Offered: W.

RUSS 303 Third-Year Russian (5) A&H
Extensive practice in spoken and written Russian based on a variety of prose readings. Intensive review and supplementation of strategic grammatical concepts. Third in a sequence of three. Maximum 15 credits allowed between RUSS 301; RUSS 302; RUSS 303; and RUSS 350. Prerequisite: RUSS 302. Offered: Sp.

RUSS 304 Reading and Translation (1, max. 3) A&H
Translation techniques with emphasis on development of vocabulary and reading skills. Primarily for Russian regional studies majors. Prerequisite: either RUSS 203 or RUSS 250. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSp.

RUSS 313 Business Russian (5) A&H
Emphasizes the language and practice of business in Russia today. Prerequisite: either RUSS 203 or RUSS 250. Offered: W.

RUSS 314 Business Russian II (5) A&H
Emphasizes the language and practice of business in Russia today. Prerequisite: RUSS 203 or RUSS 250. Offered: Sp.

RUSS 316 Extended Russian through Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (5, max. 15) A&H
For students already relatively proficient in spoken and written Russian to extend their language skills to the topics of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math). Designed for heritage learners, students of Russian as a second language, and students working in either technical fields or the humanities. Prerequisite: either RUSS 301 or permission of instructor for heritage speaker.

RUSS 320 Topics in Russian Literary and Cultural History (5, max. 15) A&H
Important trends and issues in Russian literacy and cultural history. Topics and instructors vary. In English.

RUSS 321 Eighteenth Century Russian Literature and Culture (5) A&H
Introduction, in English translation, to the literature and culture of Russia from 1700 to the 1830s, starting with two important examples from earlier periods. Works of literature, art, and music studied in relation to the development of Russian thought, both secular and religious.

RUSS 322 The Golden Age: Nineteenth Century Russian Literature and Culture (5) SSc/A&H
Explores Russian literature and culture during the "Golden Age" of the nineteenth century. Authors include some of the best-known and most influential Russian writers, including Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Gogol, Turgenev, Chekhov, and Goncharov. Students gain a comprehensive knowledge of major literary themes, ideas, and developments of nineteenth century Russian literature. Offered: W.

RUSS 323 Revolution: Twentieth Century Russian Literature and Culture (5) A&H/SSc
Explores Russian literature and culture during the twentieth century before perestroika, a period of "revolutions" and unprecedented change in political, cultural, and economic life. Authors include Babel, Bulgakov, Il'f and Petrov, and Nabokov. Periods include symbolism, revolution, Soviet, Stalinist, the "thaw", and post-Soviet. Offered: Sp.

RUSS 324 Russian Folk Literature in English (5) A&H/SSc
Explores the diversity of forms, themes, and functions of the Russian folktale, the literary art of the historically and culturally marginalized Russian peasantry. Discussion of theoretical frameworks for interpretation, resistance strategies, and with dominant literary models.

RUSS 340 Russia's Big Books (5, max. 15) A&H
Studies one big/epic novel by the titans of Russian literature per quarter. Includes such novels as Tolstoy's War and Peace and Anna Karenina, Dostoevsky's Brothers Karamazov, Goncharov's Oblomov, Bulgakov's Master and Margarita, Pasternak's Doctor Zhivago, and Nabokov's Ada. All readings are in English. Offered: AWSp.

RUSS 350 Intensive Third-Year Russian (15) A&H
Covers material of RUSS 301, RUSS 302, RUSS 303 in one quarter. Meets three hours daily. Maximum 15 credits allowed between RUSS 301; RUSS 302; RUSS 303; and RUSS 350. Prerequisite: either 2.0 in RUSS 203 or 2.0 in RUSS 250. Offered: S.

RUSS 401 Fourth-Year Russian (5) A&H
Class discussion, oral presentations, and composition, based on reading a variety of texts, both literary and non-literary. Advanced grammar. Translation one full course period per week. First in a sequence of three. Maximum 15 credits allowed between RUSS 401; RUSS 402; RUSS 403; and RUSS 450. Prerequisite: either 2.0 in RUSS 303 or 2.0 in RUSS 350. Offered: A.

RUSS 402 Fourth-Year Russian (5) A&H
Class discussion, oral presentations, and composition, based on reading a variety of texts, both literary and non-literary. Advanced grammar. Translation one full course period per week. Second in a sequence of three. Maximum 15 credits allowed between RUSS 401; RUSS 402; RUSS 403; and RUSS 450. Prerequisite: RUSS 401. Offered: W.

RUSS 403 Fourth-Year Russian (5) A&H
Class discussion, oral presentations, and composition, based on reading a variety of texts, both literary and non-literary. Advanced grammar. Translation one full course period per week. Third in a sequence of three. Maximum 15 credits allowed between RUSS 401; RUSS 402; RUSS 403; and RUSS 450. Prerequisite: RUSS 402. Offered: Sp.

RUSS 420 Topics in Russian Literary and Cultural History (5, max. 20) A&H
A special topic in the literary and cultural history of Russia. Topics vary.

RUSS 421 Post-Soviet Literary and Cultural Scene (5, max. 15) A&H
Covers Russian literature of the post-Soviet period. In English.

RUSS 422 Russian Literature in Emigration and Exile (5) A&H
Examines writers who left the Soviet Union during the post-Stalin period up to the fall of the Soviet Union. Features writers: Vladimir Nabokov, Nina Berberova, Nadezhda Terri, Vasily Aksyonov, Andrei Siniavsky, and Gary Shteyngart.

RUSS 423 Russian Film (5, max. 15) A&H
Explores early Russian, Soviet, and post-Soviet film. Features filmmakers: Sergei Eisenstein, Dziga Vertov, Vsevold Pudovkin, Andrei Tarkovsky, Alexandr Sokurov, and others. Focuses on critical materials pertaining to filmmaking and film theory.

RUSS 424 Topics in Ethnicity and Cultural Identity (5, max. 15) A&H/SSc
Issues of cultural and ethnic identities and neo-colonialism. Special focus on Russian and East European Jewish literature and culture, and central Asian literature, art, and culture. Taught in English.

RUSS 425 Russian Drama (5, max. 15) A&H
Analysis of history and development of Russian drama from the eighteenth century to present times. Playwrights featured include Alexander Griboedev, Alexander Ostrovsky, Anton Chekhov, Vladimir Mayakovsky, and others. Taught in English.

RUSS 426 Russian Art and Architecture (5) A&H
Survey of Russian art and architecture from the middle ages to the twentieth century, covering the place of the visual arts in Russian culture, the relationship between visual and verbal art, and the appropriate reading of works of Russian art of all periods. Offered: A.

RUSS 427 Russian Jewish Experience (5) A&H/SSc, DIV
Examines the experience of Russian Jews from the late 19th century to the present through fiction, films, memoirs, graphic novels set during the Bolshevik Revolution, Stalinism, the Holocaust, the Cold War, the post-Soviet era. Explores issues of identity, gender, class, place of Jews as individuals and as a minority within Russian & Soviet society, as well as Jewish-Russian emigration to USA, Israel and elsewhere at the turn of the 21st century. Offered: jointly with JEW ST 427; A.

RUSS 430 Major Authors (5, max. 15) A&H
Explores major Russian writers of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Features authors: Pushkin, Gogol, Goncharov, Turgenev, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Chekhov, Babel, Bulgakov, Olesha, and Pasternak. Content varies.

RUSS 450 Intensive Fourth-Year Russian (15) A&H
Covers material of RUSS 401, RUSS 402, RUSS 403 in one quarter. Meets three hours daily. Maximum 15 credits allowed between RUSS 401; RUSS 402; RUSS 403; and RUSS 450. Prerequisite: either 2.0 in RUSS 303 or 2.0 in RUSS 350. Offered: S.

RUSS 451 Structure of Russian (5) A&H
Descriptive analysis of contemporary standard Russian. Includes detailed phonetic transcription, discussion of major Great Russian dialects, as well as variations in popular speech, examination of common roots, and productive derivational elements in Russian words, and elementary principles of syntax. Prerequisite: either RUSS 203 or RUSS 250; and either LING 200 or LING 400. Offered: W.

RUSS 481 Russian Language in Russia (1-5, max. 45) A&H
Daily work in phonetics, grammar, conversation, translation, analytical reading, stylistics, newspaper analysis, and advanced syntax. Prerequisite: either RUSS 203 or RUSS 250. Offered: AWSpS.

RUSS 482 Research Project in Russia (3, max. 15) A&H
Supervised research in student's selected area of concentration, combined with language instruction tailored to the student's field. Successful completion of course requires a 15-page term paper in Russian. Prerequisite: either RUSS 203 or RUSS 550. Offered: AWSpS.

RUSS 483 Russian Literature in Russia (3, max. 15) A&H
Selection of courses on specialized topics in Russian literature; specific authors or periods. Prerequisite: either RUSS 203 or RUSS 250. Offered: AWSpS.

RUSS 486 Culture in Russia (3, max. 15) A&H/SSc
Lectures on education, history, economics, law, the arts, ethnography, architecture; complemented by visits to places of cultural and historical interest and meetings with Russian groups. 4 credits for summer abroad program, 6 for semester abroad program. Prerequisite: either RUSS 203 or RUSS 250. Offered: AWSpS.

RUSS 490 Studies in Russian Literature (3-5, max. 15) A&H
In either Russian or English. Topics vary.

RUSS 499 Directed Study or Research (1-5, max. 15)
Individual study of topics to meet specific needs. By arrangement with the instructor and the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures office. Offered: AWSpS.

RUSS 501 Russian Language for Graduate Students (2, max. 10)
Develops skills of particular use to graduate students. Emphasis on rapid assimilation of variety of written materials with sophisticated understanding and maximum retention of vocabulary, and ability to discuss in Russian the more theoretical and abstract kinds of material. Prerequisite: RUSS 403 or equivalent and graduate standing in Russian, East European, and Central Asian Studies.

RUSS 502 Russian Translation (3)
Introduction to the theory of translation; translation to and from Russian of selected prose passages in a variety of styles, with emphasis on idiomatic accuracy and stylistic compatibility. Prerequisite: two quarters of RUSS 501 or permission of instructor.

RUSS 512 Russian Literary Criticism (3)
A study of critical positions, problems, and literary values of major Russian literary critics from Belinsky to the present.

RUSS 520 Topics in Russian Literature and Culture (5, max. 20)
Detailed study of a single author or a movement, theme, or short period in Russian literature or culture.

RUSS 521 Russian Literature to 1800 (5)
Representative works of East Slavic, Muscovite, and Russian literature from the beginnings to 1800. Studies include a varied selection of primary texts. Intended as an introduction to the study of modern literature for beginning graduate students in Russian literature.

RUSS 522 Russian Literature of the Nineteenth Century (5)
Survey of nineteenth-century Russian poetry and prose. Representative works of Russia's major and minor authors, literary trends, and genres.

RUSS 523 Russian Literature of the Twentieth Century (5)
Survey of twentieth-century Russian poetry and prose. Pre-revolutionary, Soviet, and emigre authors, trends, and genres. Includes survey of twentieth-century literary criticism as well, in particular Russian formalists and Mikhail Bakhtin.

RUSS 526 Modern Russian Literary, Cultural, and Film Studies (5, max. 15)
Modern literature and film. Topics include post-colonialism, gender, reflections of social upheavals, artistic experimentation, issues of commercialism in art, search for new cultural expressions and identity. Readings in both Russian and English. Offered: Sp.

RUSS 542 Seminar in Russian Poetry (5, max. 20)
One specific problem or theme in Russian poetry, seen in its widest possible dimensions. Students read, in Russian, the literary works involved and become familiar with the social, historical, and philosophical backgrounds that inspire them.

RUSS 543 Seminar in Contemporary Russian Prose (5, max. 20)
Analysis of Russian prose fiction. Selected authors and topics.

RUSS 554 History of the Russian Literary Language (5)
Russian literary language from the eleventh through the twentieth centuries, with special attention to syntax and lexicon and to the development of notions of literary styles. Offered in Russian. Prerequisite: SLAV 565, or permission of instructor.

RUSS 570 Research Seminar in Russian Literature (5, max. 40)
Working in consultation with a faculty adviser, students formulate a topic and prepare a 30-minute oral presentation to be delivered at the seminar and submit a written paper to be read and critiqued by all participants.

RUSS 577 Russian Folk Literature (5)
Examines the artistic forms, varieties, and themes of the Russian folktale, its roots in pre-Christian Slavic religion, connections with myth and legend, adaptation for Soviet and modern Russian literature, film, and music.

RUSS 600 Independent Study or Research (*-)